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2025 Midwest Aikido Bridge Seminar (In Person & Live Streamed)

2025 Midwest Aikido Bridge Seminar

Please join us for the 2025 Midwest Aikido Bridge Seminar, March 21-23, marking the 13th year of this event. We welcome everyone, from all affiliations and lineages. The seminar will be held at the Milwaukee Shobukan, 9333 N 49th St, Brown Deer, WI 53223. For those who cannot make it to Milwaukee, we will also be live streaming the seminar.

Our Main Instructors are Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, and Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan, accompanied by Kay Sandacz Sensei, John Riggs Sensei, Edward Reiff Sensei, and Faunette Johnston Sensei. There will be 12 classes over the 3 days.

In addition to in-person attendance options the seminar will also be available virtually. Participate with your dojo mates from your dojo, or train on your own from any location.

The training schedule is (all Central Times):                            
Friday March 21— 5:00-7:30 pm
Saturday March 22— 9:30 am-12:30 pm & 2:30-5:30 pm
Sunday March 23— 10:00 am-1:00 pm

There will be a Party at the dojo Saturday after training (such fun!!!), please register to attend.

Registration fees are:                                                                                                              
All Days $175                                                                                             Saturday and Sunday $150                                                     
Saturday Only $125                                                                           
Friday OR Sunday $65                                                                             
Virtual $50                                                                                          
Saturday Party $20

Please use the PayPal link below to register. Walk-in registrations at the dojo also accepted. For those with financial constraints, a limited number of scholarships are available. If you are in that position, please contact us regarding this.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at

We look forward to seeing you on the mat!

Registration Open Now


Registration Open Now 〰️

2025 Bridge Registration


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Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, 8 Dan, Boulder Aikikai, Colorado, USA
Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan began Aikido at Kokugakuin University Aikido Club, of which Mitsugi Saotome Shihan was the chief instructor. After graduation he trained regularly at Aikido World Headquarters and in Saotome Shihan’s Reimeijuku Dojo in Tokyo. He established Boulder Aikikai in 1980 for the study of the Japanese martial art of Aikido.The dojo is affiliated with the Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, through the Aikido Shimbokukai. Ikeda Shihan is well-known for his effective technique, and travels extensively around the world teaching. He is a member of the Grading Committee and Vice-President of Aikido Shimbokukai.

Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan, 6 Dan, Aikido Shimbokukai Director
Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan holds the rank of Roku Dan (6th dan), received from Moriteru Ueshiba, Aikido Doshu. She spent over 14 years in Japan training at the Aikido World Headquarters and teaching Aikido professionally at a dojo in Tokyo. Tomoleoni Shihan is Director of Aikido Shimbokukai, an organization Officially Recognized by the Aikikai Foundation and Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and is the Chief Instructor of Abiding Spirit Aikikai. She also has yudansha ranking in Judo and Iaido and is a coauthor of the book "Along the Way", a collection of writings about training.

Kay Sandacz Sensei, 6 Dan, Inaka Dojo, Aikido Schools of Ueshiba
Kay Sandacz Sensei began her study of Aikido in 1987 and has trained at Inaka Dojo since the doors opened in 1992. She currently holds the rank of 6th degree black belt through Aikido Schools of Ueshiba. Through consistent study and frequent attendance at seminars and camps, Sandacz Sensei looks for the simple, natural movements underlying the principles of sound technique as she believes Aikido is available for everyone. She focuses on finding clear ways to communicate these movements and principles in her classes at Inaka Dojo and the seminars she teaches.

John Riggs Sensei, 6 Dan, Aikido Club of Niles, Aikido Shimbokukai John Riggs Sensei started his Aikido journey under Masao Shoji Sensei in California in 1973. He has been affiliated with several organizations over his career including Dojin Aikikai, AAA, ASU, WAA, and Shudokan Aikido Association (VP and Test Committee Chair) before joining Aikido Shimbokukai. He has published articles on Aikido topics in Black Belt Magazine and Aikido Today Magazine which were republished in the English, German, and French Editions of the European Aikido Journal. He is a retired chiropractic diplomate in neuromusculoskeltal medicine and has published articles professionally. He teaches anatomy, physiology, biology, and management classes as well as postgraduate continuing education courses. He lives in Niles Michigan with his wife and 2 dogs (Thor, Maja) and speaks a little Norwegian.

Edward Reiff Sensei, 4 Dan, Chicago Aikikai, Aikido Schools of Ueshiba
​Edward Reiff Sensei is a 4 Dan in Aikido.  He trains at Chicago Aikikai (ASU) and has studied under Arthur Benjamin Sensei, Kevin Choate Sensei and Marsha Turner Sensei. He began his training in his 20’s, and he recently turned 70.  Besides Aikido, he enjoys running, swimming and cycling, and he is a long time student of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement.  Aikido continues to capture his imagination and he looks forward to moving and rolling for as long as he possibly can.  He enjoys introducing others to the beauty and exhilaration of the art. 

Faunette Johnston Sensei, 2 Dan, Bloomington Aikido Collective, Aikido Shimbokukai
Faunette Johnston Sensei trained in Okinawan (Matsubayashi Ryu) Karate-do from 1982-1997, receiving the rank of Nidan. She began training in Aikido in 2004 and received Nidan in 2024. She has trained with instructors from various Aikido lineages, associations, and countries, including: ASU, USAF, Iwama Ryu, CAA, FFAAA, and Hombu. She is currently focusing on holistically integrating her various training experiences into an effective Aikido body, mind, and spirit. As a senior student at the Bloomington Aikido Collective at Indiana University, she works with students and other club members to help them do the same.

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Aikido Shimbokukai Summer Seminar 2021, with Special Guest Instructor Terumasa Hino Sensei, Aikikai Hombu Dojo

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Aikido Shimbokukai 20th Anniversary Seminar (In Person and Virtual)