Join us for this free 2-week series on the topic of “Meditation and Health Aspect of Aikido”. The sessions will be held from 6:00-7:00 pm Pacific Time on September 2 and 9. All are welcome- Aikido and martial arts practitioners, holistic health care practitioners, anyone at all with an interest in this topic.
Each one-hour session will introduce participants to another way to view Aikido practice within Meditation and Health concepts, and how our training can relate to the practical and physical realm of our lives.
These workshops will be comprised of lecture, experiential training, and question and discussion modules, and will cover such areas as:
1. Roots of Modern Aikido training from a meditation and health perspective
2. Shikan Meditation
3. Basic concepts of ancient knowledge (Gogyo, In-Yo, Shinbutsu-Shugo, Buddhist Medicine, Ayurvedic principles, etc)
4. The concept of Takemusu Aiki
5. Misogi and how it relates to Aikido training
Please click this Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 884 9845 0574 Passcode: 965464
These sessions will be offered by Reverend Kanjin Cederman, head minister of the Choeizan Enkyoji and instructor at Jisso Kai Aikido Dojo, both in Seattle, WA, both non-profit organizations working to provide these traditional trainings to those who are interested.
For further information about the temple, dojo, and Kanjin Sensei, and for those who wish to make a tax-deductible donation to Choeizan Enkyoji information can be found here: